Virtual Reality for modeling on molecular and atomic level

Event Dates:

3:00 pm Wednesday 5th Jun 2024

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Marc Baaden

Marc Baaden, research director at the CNRS in Paris, is a computational chemist working in the field of structural bioinformatics. His research focuses on interactive molecular modeling approaches for biological systems and has included virtual reality approaches since 2007, then Citizen Science, and more recently the Internet of Things. He develops scientific visualization approaches as well as original tools related to Big Data and immersive analytics using virtual reality equipment. Using the Unity game engine, he has designed the UnityMol platform as a development framework for academic contexts and for collaboration with industry partners and the public. His research combines simulations of biological macromolecules and bioinformatics with high-performance computing, virtual reality, visualization, and dissemination activities


Deciphering the shape and movements of molecules has been a major scientific challenge for centuries. This quest, which is crucial for unraveling biological relationships and fighting disease, offers profound insights that pave the way for better medicines, advanced materials and improved daily utilities. Virtual reality (VR) emerges as a transformative force in this domain, with its roots traced back to the 1960s. Currently, there is a new enthusiasm for VR, fueled by the latest technological advances that provide robust tools for exploring the microscopic realm and allow us to delve deep into the elemental forces that weave the fabric of life.


  • Give an idea of the current state of art for Virtual Reality in the Sciences.
  • Show how this technology brings new possibilities to Molecular Sciences.
  • Discover about the beauty and aesthetics of the molecular world.


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"Our responsibility is, to the extent of our view into the future, to form the present felicitous for the next generation according to the best of our knowledge and belief”

Theodor Billroth (1829-1894)