Science communication in the mass media

Event Dates:

3:00 pm Wednesday 4th Dec 2024

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Professor Tobias Rothmund

Dr. Tobias Rothmund is Professor for the Psychology of Communication and Media Use at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena. He is an internationally visible researcher and expert in the field of political psychology. His work is integrating perspectives from social psychology, personality research and communication science. His main research interest is in improving the psychological understanding of how laypersons react to political communication and science communication.


The presentation focuses on science communication in the mass media and highlights psychological perspectives on science denial.


  • Science denial is not a new phenomenon generally on the decline rather than on the rise.
  • Science denial arises in a complex communication system consisting of various actors with strategic interests who use a variety of communicative techniques.
  • On an individual level, science denial is often not just a lack of information, but should also be understood as an expression of psychological resistance.
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"Our responsibility is, to the extent of our view into the future, to form the present felicitous for the next generation according to the best of our knowledge and belief”

Theodor Billroth (1829-1894)