Alzheimer Disease (AD) and the Amyloid Dogma Presented by Professor Franz Theuring

Lecture Date:

29 Nov 2023


Professor Franz Theuring


Professor Franz Theuring, PhD, studied electronics and biology at the Universities of Brauschweig and Goettingen, Germany. He gained his PhD in 1986 in the Institute of Human Genetics, University of Goettingen, and was post-doctoral research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry under Professor Peter Gruss. Professor Theuring was responsible for the establishment and introduction of transgenic technologies both in the Gruss laboratory, and then from 1988 in the Institute of Cellular and Molecular Biology of Schering AG, Berlin, in areas of pharmacological research for drug target validation and disease model development.

Professor Theuring received his Habilitation from the Free University of Berlin in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry in 1996, and after 8 years at Schering AG, was appointed in 1996 to a Professorship in Molecular Pharmacology at the Charité – Universitaetsmedizin Berlin.

Prof. Theuring is an acknowledged expert in employing transgenic technologies in biomedicine. He was consultant to the Berlin State in Biotechnology, to the European Union in Molecular Medicine and to Pharmaceutical Industry. He was elected as Member of the Berlin Scientific Society (BWG) in 1999 and acted as the President from 2013-2017. In 2000, he spent 3.5 month on a sabbatical leave at the Centre for Animal Resources and Development (CARD) at Kumamoto University, Japan. Furthermore, he is the co-founder of two biotech companies, Proteome Factory, based in Berlin, and TauRx Pharma, based in Singapore. Since 2015 Prof. Theuring is engaged in activities of SPARK-BIH Berlin, an academic initiative to accelerate breakthrough findings into medicines, diagnostics and medical devices. From 2020-2021 he acted as co-director of the SPARK initiative. He retired at the end of 2020, but still  is engaged in the SPARK-BIH activities.

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